Welcome! DXing, boatanchors, QRP, kit construction, antennas, and casual contesting are a few of my ham radio interests. I’ll use this website to share my hobby with you. Glad you stopped by. Enjoy!

73, Bert N8NN

Dreaming about boatanchors……….by permission of Garrett Bouton, garrett.bouton@gmail.com.

SDRPlay Panadapter — A recent project was adding a software-defined radio to my Yaesu FTDX101D and my Yaesu FT-991A as a panadapter. I worked with Pete N4CQN (sk) who did the same with his FT-991A and also added CW Skimmer to his system. Read about our results <here>.

mcHF and Hardrock 50 — The mcHF SDR QRP Transceiver and Hardrock 50 Amplifier presentation is located <here>. An article about each unit is on the Published Articles page.