Welcome! DXing, boatanchors, QRP, kit construction, antennas, and casual contesting are a few of my ham radio interests. I’ll use this website to share my hobby with you. Glad you stopped by. Enjoy!
73, Bert N8NN

SDRPlay Panadapter — A recent project was adding a software-defined radio to my Yaesu FTDX101D and my Yaesu FT-991A as a panadapter. I worked with Pete N4CQN (sk) who did the same with his FT-991A and also added CW Skimmer to his system. Read about our results <here>.
mcHF and Hardrock 50 — The mcHF SDR QRP Transceiver and Hardrock 50 Amplifier presentation is located <here>. An article about each unit is on the Published Articles page.